Bride's Bouquet |
Amethyst, plum, magenta, sangria....where's the party and who's pouring?
These jewel tones were so fun to work with and the best part... they were all grown in Cumberland County, PA. Didn't know we had such a gem mine right?
When Jess (the bride) contacted me from Texas and put all her faith in me to design her wedding day flowers without ever meeting face to face, it was the ultimate compliment! What fun to do the choosing on my own based simply on her guidelines of "jewel tones". Roots Flower Farm in Newville, PA provided me with these amazing colors and unique blooms: lisianthus, cockscomb, dahlias, gomphrena, plume celosia and snapdragons. And my own garden provided the mint and oregano. Even the ferns were harvested from a local source.
Groomsmen's Boutonnieres |
Centerpieces at The Carlisle Vault |
Beautiful as usual!!! Love the blog header!
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